Cash register software dedicated to the restaurant and catering industry

Facilitate the management of your restaurant’s production

Dispatch order to the kitchen, different production points, LM Hospitality has been designed to simplify your service.
Facilitate the management of your restaurant’s production
Order dispatch

Management of the different production points

When you have several production points like the bar, the kitchen, the ice cream parlor, … you can set for each dish the production zone to which it should be sent.

This way the kitchen is not “polluted” by drink orders, and vice versa.

At each production point, you can install an order management terminal to inform the production

Kitchen printer

The purpose of the kitchen printer is to print out the customer orders that have been taken in the dining room via the server pads. The waiters send the tickets to the right place with a few clicks: bar, hot or cold kitchen.
Various signals warn the cooks of the arrival of an order to be processed.

Kitchen screen

View in real time of orders, there is no reason why the Chef should not also profite from the digitalisation of your establishment.
No more errors in vouchers, orders arrive directly on the screen, whether they come from the central cashier, the server remotes or the kiosks.

Order picking order

The order in which orders are prepared plays a key role in the customer experience.
The classic order is of course, starter then main course then dessert.
However, it often happens that one person at the table decides to eat only one starter… to be eaten at the same time as the other guests’ dishes.

This is why it is important for the waiters to be able to transmit to the kitchen a modified order for the dish(s) that should be served out of order.

LM Hospitality allows the waiter to note down this information via his remote control and therefore to transmit it to the kitchen for a service corresponding to the customers’ wishes.

Sending orders
Cuisson, sauces, accompagnements, modifications

Cooking, sauces, side dishes, modifications

All the elements necessary for the correct preparation of the order are automatically transmitted from the Server Pad to the production area.
Whether it is compulsory information (cooking), optional information (choice of sauce) or a request to modify the dish (change of accompaniment), the kitchen receives all the information for preparation in accordance with your customers’ wishes.

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